LDComics Community Shop

Fund your fave comic-creators and shop amongst our very own community!

Here’s a selection of LDC guests & team member offerings available to buy.

If you missed the call out to send us your info here, you’re still welcome to post a link to your own comic shop on the “Shopping” thread you’ll find over on our  LDComics Community Facebook page.


Camille Aubry
Catch up on Camille’s blog series for Graphic Medicine with a new chapter of A Journey To Motherhood published this week (free online!) 


Rebecca K Jones
LDC Award Shortlistee of 2018, Rebecca enjoyed taking part in Thought Bubble’s Digital comic con in November. Her work, including part 1 of her shortlisted graphic novel in progress, “Boomerang” is still available on her online shop;  https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Rebeccakjonesshop


Wallis Eates
London LDC coordinator and guest for this month will be discussing ‘Wings’ with Dr Victoria Anderson which documents their time working together in HMP Wandsworth. Find out more and order the book here: https://cellmemory.org/ All proceeds will be used to develop projects that help communities affected by imprisonment.
Find out more about Wallis’ work and artwork through her website www.walliseates.com and Etsy shop here


Amber Hsu
Prints, comics, poetry and other small press sundries from the Tiny Empire. https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StudioHsu


Amy Gallagher
Hey! I’m a comic artist and illustrator selling Christmas cards, a comic zine, stickers, prints, and personalised portrait and comic strips! www.amiluumart.com/products

Jayde Perkin
Comics, zines, pins, prints, resist amazon tote bags – yay for small press! https://jaydeperkin.bigcartel.com


Karrie Fransman and Jonathan Plackett 
Gender Swapped Fairy Tales (Faber and Faber). https://genderswappedfairytales.com  and prints available (with a donation to gender equality charity Plan International U.K).: https://genderswappedfairytales.com/collections/gender-swapped-fairy-tales


Nicola Streeten
Signed books


Jenny Robins

BISCUITS is an ensemble story about a disparate cast of women living in London, helping each other through various misadventures. “this joyous, witty, poignant and, most importantly, very human story is the book we all needed as a counterpoint to the challenges of 2020.” — Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier. https://myriadeditions.com/books/biscuits-assorted/ You can also buy original pages artwork from Biscuits from Jenny’s Esty shop, as well as various cards, prints and other treats at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/jennyrobins


Rachael Ball 
‘WOLF’ (pub SelfMadeHero 2018) : Graphic novel
‘A Place to Hang Your Cape’ ‘Wolf’s Enigmatic Charm is Intoxicating.’

Front Row Review ‘A rare thing. A visual poem. One that I am still in honesty, reeling from.’
The Female Gaze ‘Stunning! I found myself compulsively turning the pages.’
The Herald Scotland: ‘A coming-of-age story notable for the way it finds a sweetness in grief and pain.’
https://rachaelballcartoons.bigcartel.com OR



Lucy Sullivan, (LDC mentor):
, Comics & BARKING – her recent graphic novel about grief, madness, and the ghosts that haunt us. LUCYSULLIVANUK.COM



Carol Isaacs
The motion comic of my graphic memoir about my family’s lost homeland of Iraq. https://www.thesurrealmccoy.com/shop.html



Natasha Natarajan
FML Comics, Zines and Artwork! https://www.chikaboo-designs.com/buy/



Mundy Morn
Comics comics and comics! (Thank you!) https://mundymorning.bigcartel.com/



Richy K. Chandler,
Books, Comics, Commissions : ) http://tempolush.com/buy/



Sarah Lippett
Comics, prints and ceramics https://crayonlegs.bigcartel.com/



Paul Rainey
Comics, original artwork, deep thoughts. https://pbrainey.bigcartel.com/



Sandra Salter
I have just managed to squeeze out my very first zine (as Cecily Salt)  https://saltysstudio.com/…/cecily-salt-little-bits-of-2020SALTYSSTUDIO.COM



Alison Sampson
Comics, prints, bookplates, pins, tea towels Http://www.alisonsampson.com/shop



Emma Burleigh
 Watercolour video course, ‘Mindful Painting Pocket Guide’, comics about adoption, watercolour prints, cards and more from LDC 2018 Award Winner:https://www.etsy.com/shop/EmmaBurleighArtwork


Cathy Brett, LDC Awards shortlisted:
Shop of all things essential and beautiful: https://www.etsy.com/UK/shop/GingerdoodlePrints


Gnash Comics: And don’t forget to support all our UK Indie comic shops: We like Gnash Comics – online orders welcome or go see them if you’re based in Devon. Open 11 am to 6pm, or at www.gnashcomics.co.uk  / email info@gnashcomics.co.uk . ‘Not just superheroes!’ 



Book of Homelessness
The Book of Homelessness is a stunning anthology of stories and drawings created by people affected by homelessness about their own lives and experiences. It is the first time that a book like this has been published. The stories contained in the book are personal, emotional, raw and honest. The stories are of pain, of abuse, of dysfunction, of families, of war and of rejection and of misplaced love, of overcoming difficulties and of fighting and succeeding. This is a beautiful book that shows the complexities of homelessness and what causes it and the struggles that people have undertaken to succeed and flourish.All profits from The Book of Homelessness are shared with its authors and Accumulate so it can continue to provide creative workshops for people who are homeless. 
Book of Homelessness Archives – accumulate

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