We’re currently hosting regular ONLINE meet ups, open to all, where guest speakers from the community are invited to share their knowledge, experience and projects over zoom, followed by a Q & A.
There’s always a mix of old and new faces every month, so there’s endless opportunities for collaboration and networking.
We are also hosting occasional LIVE MEETUPS so check out our newsletter for when the might occur. It’s proven that live events boost mental health and productivity, and these events are absolutely free!
You’ll learn a lot from our guest speakers at both live and online events and will leave feeling fantastic & inspired.
Details and links to book your place will be added to the EVENTS section on our home page in the run up to an event. Sign up to receive our e newsletter to receive reminders.
We would like to thank Arts Council England for supporting the activity that enabled the first LDC Festival to take place in 2018 and our expanded activity in the 2019 LDC Weekend Festival. We would also like to thank everyone who supported and backed the crowdfunding campaign for 2018 and 2019 that made the LDComics Prizes possible!
LDCOMICS CIC is a Community Interest Company Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 13356603
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