Safe Space for Hard Stories PILOT (online)


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Do you feel the call to make an autobiographical comic or graphic memoir but feel a bit nervous about it? 

You want to tell your story but you’re anxious about the exposure?

It’s a paradox!

Wallis Eates began making autobiographical comics in 2013. She had no idea there were already people doing this, she’d been in a rut for years. Doing the comics got her out of the rut, but then she had to face another problem – she’d gone and told the world things that perhaps she shouldn’t have.

Or so she thought.

Safe Space for Hard Stories is born from Wallis’ experience of sharing raw material, and then her inner and outer journeys that subsequently unfolded. The vision is to create a buffer between the creative space of immersion and exploration, and the public platform. It will be a participatory space that is held by those that attend with mutual trust and confidentiality. Stories will be shared and heard. We will interrogate the ‘why’ of sharing a story and the ‘why’ of publishing – where do they meet, and where do we each sit on that crossover? The aim is then to provide support in whichever direction feels right.

The pilot day will trial the following itinerary:

Introduction by Wallis Eates
Interview with Dr Nicola Streeten about her book, ‘Billy, Me and You’ about the loss of her child
Participants give short presentations about their projects
Peer 1to1’s in breakout rooms
Time to write
Discussion – why publish?
Wind down art activity inspired by art therapy theory

Participants will be asked to attend a follow up 1to1 with Wallis after the pilot so that she can glean feedback and offer any support that maybe needed, as identified in the session.

After the pilot, the aim is to roll out Safe Space for Hard Stories as a programme of several sessions over a period of time to allow participants to build and gain trust with each other, as well as having the opportunity to use the regularity of meetings to inspire productivity.

There is a maximum of 6 spaces for the pilot, so be sure to book your spot! The link to join will be sent to you prior to the event, along with details about how to put together your presentation.


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