30min Hard Stories 1to1 consultation


30min 1to1 consultation with Wallis Eates to take place prior to starting the Safe Space for Hard Stories course, and an introductory video.

Start: September 22, 2023 at 10:00 am Finish: September 25, 2023 at 7:30 pm


30 minute consultation with me, Wallis Eates, to discuss Safe Space for Hard Stories, detailing what the course will entail and what sessions will look like. We will also go through the Agreement form, and you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions you may have.

I’d also love to know as much about your project as possible before the course starts, so please feel free to email me up to 12 pages as a PDF of any work-in-progress and/or a rough outline as to what it is about to walliseates@gmail.com before the consultation and I will be happy to offer feedback/mentoring during the meeting too.

Upon signing up for a consultation, you will receive a 40 minute video from a Safe Space for Hard Stories induction day that took place in March 2023 which includes my Keynote presentation about my journey with autobiographical comic making, why I launched this initiative and what it sets out to achieve, as well as a conversation with Dr. Nicola Streeten, co-founder of LDComics and author of ‘Billy, Me and You’ (Myriad, 2011).

Once you have purchased, please contact Wallis directly at walliseates@gmail.com to book your consultation.


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