Press & Media
Press & Media
Broken Frontier
Preview: Laydeez do Comics Prize 2019 – Check out Art from the Shortlisted Creators’ Graphic Novels in Progress (March 5, 2019)
“Last week at Broken Frontier we announced the shortlist for this year’s Laydeez do Comics Prize for a graphic novel in progress by a female-identifying UK-based creator (won last year by Emma Burleigh)”
Dundee University
Laydeez do Comics. And they’re proud of it (Mon 20 May 2019)
“An international organisation championing female comics creators will host its first event in Dundee, the spiritual home of the British comics industry, later this month.” Read more…
London Graphic Novel Network
“Laydeez do comics is the first UK graphic novel forum led by women. Its focus is on comics work based on life narrative and the drama of the everyday.” Read more…
Women in Comics Wiki
“LDC is a London-based graphic novel forum with a focus on autobiographical comics’ Read more…
Down the Tubes
“It was really inspirational to see so many genuine stories told with verve and imagination,” commented Judge Olivia Ahmad, whilst fellow judge Philippa Perry added: “I loved judging the long list, the only problem was not having entire books but only samples because so many of the entries had me hungry for the rest of their narratives.”
Steven Appleby was equally impressed by the range of work submitted. “It was a privilege – and fun – to get a private glimpse into fifty worlds of such richness and quality.”
The Turnaround Blog
Earlier this week, Turnaround’s Clara and Heather headed down to the latest Laydeez do Comics event to report back on the word-on-the-street from women making comics.
The Postgraduate Contemporary Women’s Writing Network
Meet Laydeez Do Comics: Individual Stories in the Comics Collective by Emma Parker “Laydeez do Comics has helped me, as an individual, feel part of a wider comics movement, it’s been a supportive background chorus for my own creative work”
National Association of Writers in Education
LDC womens prize for graphic novels
Myt Draws Apparently
“Laydeez Do Comics: award and festival” (26 March 2019)
“That said, it is very difficult to be anything but grateful for LDC, because they’ve structured the whole award very cleverly to benefit everyone who enters, and not just the winner.”
Sarah McIntyre
“the pickle + laydeez do comics”
“These meetings are great. It’s a chance for comics people to share their work, talk about it, and discover new people who have either been making comics for awhile or are coming from a slightly different field and just beginning to try their hand at it. And somehow the female emphasis seems to change the tone of the meetings. I’ve been to a lot of mostly male comics get-togethers where they all sit around and moan about how comics these days aren’t as good as they used to be (mostly referring to superhero comics), bitch about other comics artists behind their backs, and swap stories about how underappreciated and underpaid they are. The Laydeez meetings are totally different, there’s a very optimistic, forward looking attitude toward comics, with people being genuinely excited about the new things happening in comics and the doors that have begun to open in publishing and self-publishing.”
Broken Frontier
Laydeez do Comics Festival 2018 – Emma Burleigh Wins the First Laydeez Prize on an Inspiring Day of Comics Community and Celebration in London (Andy Oliver, March 26, 2018)
“For several years now the Laydeez do Comics group have provided a vital supportive platform for new voices in comics through their popular monthly meet-ups. A combination of creator presentations and informal socialising, they’re an opportunity for networking and potential collaboration, and have seen chapters spring up both across the UK and internationally.” Read more…
John G. Swogger and Comics
“Thanks Laydeez!” (March 2015)
It was an evening that demonstrates just why Laydeez is such a phenomenon. It was an extremely rewarding evening for us, definitely firing us with even more determination to push ahead with the book and see it published as soon as possible.
Pipedream Comics: The Ultimate Guide to Small Press & Indie Comics in the UK “Laydeez do Comcs Prize celebrates female creators with new comics competition”
International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference