November 2011 Laydeez do ComicA
I am Shamisa Debroey, the guest blogger for November. In my own work I look to push the boundaries between illustration and strip, minimal and colourful, and topics like love and hate. I recently graduated from the infamous Sint Lukas Brussels under the careful supervision of Johan Stuyck, head of publishing house Oogachtend. I am currently working on the London Print Studio Comics internship scheme and I am working on my first semi autobiographical graphic novel ‘The Wanderer’, to be published in 2012 in Belgium and the Netherlands. Here is a link to my work
Tonight’s Laydeez do Comics was in association with the annual Comica Festival and the international line up of guests included, Sarah Leavitt, the Canadian author of Tangles (Jonathan Cape), Comic Nurse, AKA MK Czerwiec, over from America and two German comic artists, Mawil and Uli Oesterle whose works have recently been translated into English editions by Blank Slate Books.
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