Get Involved
Get Involved
As you know, LDComics is run by artists… for artists!
We’re pretty brilliant at what we offer the comics community…free talks and socials with artists and industry professionals, a platform to share your work, development workshops, an artists residential, a women-only award and a travelling zine library…just to name a few!
We want to grow the LDC community so that we can ALL benefit from a wider network of people and resources. Strength in numbers as they say.
Right now we need help with community engagement – we’re so busy with organising and hosting the events (on top of our own working lives) that it always get’s pushed to the bottom of our to do lists.
Here is our Community Engagement Wish List
If you’d like to volunteer to help us grow together, for the benefit of all, please get in touch with us.
And don’t forget to follow us on social media and use @LDComics or #LDComics.
Be a Guest Speaker
You get the chance to talk about your project or a topic of your choice to a friendly audience for 10-15 minutes, followed by a Q &A.
• Chance to get positive feedback on your work and pitch in front of a friendly audience
• Share your ideas & inspire other budding comic artists
• Have work on the LDC blog, website & e-newsletters & become part of LDCs guest speaker history
You’ll have the opportunity to give an informal 10-15 minute presentation, with a 5-10 minute Q&A at the end, along with 2 other artists and with networking in between.
If you’re interested in becoming a guest speaker in the future, get in touch by email or social media, or reach out to any individual on the team.
Become a Guest Blogger
You may have noticed our Blog section is in the form of illustrations and comics – that’s because we invite a guest blogger to record the evening in a format of their choice!
To have your work featured on the LDC website simply get in touch with the coordinator of your local branch for details.
Start Your Own Local LDC Meet Up & Become a National Co-ordinator
Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are currently not accepting host applications.
However if you have an event you think suits the LDC ethos, submit it via this Comics News form and we’ll host it on our platform subject to approval.